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Published Jan 25, 2024 by Hailea Schultz

I-69/Loop 610

As the fourth most populous city in the nation, 休斯顿面临着满足其不断增长的人口需求和确保居民和企业高效流动的持续挑战.  

根据该伙伴关系的数据,休斯顿地铁在2022年增加了近12.5万名居民 analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data. A recent study Site Selection Group的一份报告还建议,休斯顿地铁预计将获得9分.人口增长率为62%,到2028年总人口超过800万. 

To accommodate for current and future growth, 该地区正在进行许多充满活力的交通项目,这些项目不仅可以解决当前的拥堵和基础设施需求,还可以为更加可持续和相互联系的未来奠定基础.  

I-69 Southwest/610 West Loop Interchange Construction 

为了缓解休斯顿两条最繁忙高速公路的拥堵, 该项目包括重建610环路沿I-69的主要车道,并将单车道连接线改造成双车道连接线. After six years of work, the project is nearly finished. 

“作为项目的一部分,Hga010皇冠软件下载还有一个连接坡道需要拆除和重建," said Danny Perez, 公共信息官的TxDOT的休斯顿地区在休斯顿公共媒体的最近一段 Houston Matters. "We have to do some work on the 610 main lanes. 一旦Hga010皇冠软件下载完成了所有的工作,那么这个项目将在今年夏天基本完成, and then have it fully completed by fall of 2024." 


I-45 Downtown Houston 

大规模的I-45扩建工程的一部分预计将于今年在休斯顿市中心开工, with drainage work along St. Emmanuel Street. Nearly two decades in the making, 北休斯顿高速公路改善项目(NHHIP)包括从北萨姆休斯顿收费公路/ 8号环城公路到I-10号的I-45号公路的重建,并将I-45号公路沿着I-10号公路和59号/ 69号公路重新规划穿过市中心.  

According to Community Impact这是NHHIP的另一个子项目,包括从I-69到高速公路的主要车道建设. 288 is projected to start in 2025, while segment two of the project, 包括沿I-45号州际公路从I-10号州际公路到610环线和610环线的部分路段, is not slated to begin until 2028.  


Houston Ship Channel Bridge 

Spanning the Houston Ship Channel, 这座新的斜拉桥旨在拓宽山姆·休斯顿收费公路,为车辆提供8条车道,为摩托车提供肩道. While construction saw a brief pause back in 2020, 目前,南桥和北桥分别于2025年末和2028年完工. 



To help alleviate traffic in the greater Houston region, 休斯顿地铁的“METRONext前进计划”旨在扩大社区出行选择,减少道路上的汽车, including the following: 

  • METRORapid Inner Katy 这个项目是为了迎合10号州际公路西和U.S. Highway 290 Northwest corridors. 该项目将在内凯蒂地区建立一条穿过I-10的新捷运线, including stops at Shepard/Durham and Studemont. Additionally, 该项目将在I-10西和高速公路上为区域快线巴士提供专用车道. 290 North West, bypassing congestion on I-10.  

  • METRORapid University Corridor Project aims to increase connectivity from the Westchase Park & Ride and to the Tidewell Transit Center, 提供进入包括休斯顿社区学院在内的四所教育机构的机会, Texas Southern University, University of Houston and University of St. Thomas. 

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大休斯顿合作伙伴关系因其在2023年杰出的区域经济发展表现而被授予《皇冠HGA010官方下载》的Mac Conway经济发展卓越奖. 被广泛认为是行业顶级贸易出版物对地区的黄金标准认可, the award is based on the following criteria:  Total projects 与公司设施项目相关的总投资 Total jobs associated with those corporate facility projects Per capita calculations of those same three metrics  "Receiving the Mac Conway Award for Excellence in Economic Development is not just a recognition of our region’s achievements; it's a testament to our commitment to creating opportunity in Houston,” said Steve Kean, President and CEO at the Partnership. “It’s a team effort here in Houston, Hga010皇冠软件下载很高兴与Hga010皇冠软件下载在该地区的经济发展伙伴合作,向世界介绍休斯顿,并为Hga010皇冠软件下载的社区吸引新的就业机会和投资.”  这是该伙伴关系自2021年以来首次获奖,也是第15次获奖. The Partnership previously received honorable mentions in 2007, 2016 and 2017, 自1989年成立以来,该合作伙伴在《皇冠HGA010官方下载》排名中名列前茅的总次数达到18次.  “Hga010皇冠软件下载组织获得了著名的Mac Conway卓越奖,我为此感到非常自豪,” said Craig Rhodes, 经济发展部高级副总裁. “这是Hga010皇冠软件下载与12个县地区的合作伙伴共同努力的证明, 它激励Hga010皇冠软件下载的团队继续Hga010皇冠软件下载的使命,推动包容性繁荣,为所有人创造有意义的机会."  Following major economic development wins in 2023, 大休斯顿地区在2024年第一季度有了一个强劲的开端, with 139 new business announcements identified.  共有40家企业在休斯敦地区建立了新设施,97个项目是对休斯敦地区现有设施的扩建. Manufacturing accounted for 32 percent of the announcements, with professional, scientific and technical services ranking second (17 percent).  Learn more about why companies choose Houston.
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Economic Development


大休斯顿合作伙伴关系因其在2023年杰出的区域经济发展表现而被授予《皇冠HGA010官方下载》的Mac Conway经济发展卓越奖. 被广泛认为是行业顶级贸易出版物对地区的黄金标准认可, the award is based on the following criteria:  Total projects 与公司设施项目相关的总投资 Total jobs associated with those corporate facility projects Per capita calculations of those same three metrics  "Receiving the Mac Conway Award for Excellence in Economic Development is not just a recognition of our region’s achievements; it's a testament to our commitment to creating opportunity in Houston,” said Steve Kean, President and CEO at the Partnership. “It’s a team effort here in Houston, Hga010皇冠软件下载很高兴与Hga010皇冠软件下载在该地区的经济发展伙伴合作,向世界介绍休斯顿,并为Hga010皇冠软件下载的社区吸引新的就业机会和投资.”  这是该伙伴关系自2021年以来首次获奖,也是第15次获奖. The Partnership previously received honorable mentions in 2007, 2016 and 2017, 自1989年成立以来,该合作伙伴在《皇冠HGA010官方下载》排名中名列前茅的总次数达到18次.  “Hga010皇冠软件下载组织获得了著名的Mac Conway卓越奖,我为此感到非常自豪,” said Craig Rhodes, 经济发展部高级副总裁. “这是Hga010皇冠软件下载与12个县地区的合作伙伴共同努力的证明, 它激励Hga010皇冠软件下载的团队继续Hga010皇冠软件下载的使命,推动包容性繁荣,为所有人创造有意义的机会."  Following major economic development wins in 2023, 大休斯顿地区在2024年第一季度有了一个强劲的开端, with 139 new business announcements identified.  共有40家企业在休斯敦地区建立了新设施,97个项目是对休斯敦地区现有设施的扩建. Manufacturing accounted for 32 percent of the announcements, with professional, scientific and technical services ranking second (17 percent).  Learn more about why companies choose Houston.
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