



美国.S. Department of 运输 (点) awarded Harris County and Houston-Galveston Area Council (H-GAC) more than $10 million to support transportation infrastructure projects that aim to enhance resiliency against climate change.  

这一宣布是拜登-哈里斯政府更广泛倡议的一部分, 促进有弹性的变革行动, 高效和成本节约运输(PROTECT)计划, 根据《Hga010皇冠软件下载》和《皇冠HGA010官方下载》设立. PROTECT将为全国80个项目提供近8.3亿美元的赠款.  

根据 哈里斯县将获得超过9美元.6 million to develop a master plan evaluating drainage infrastructure capacity of local roadways within the county’s unincorporated areas that are experiencing rapid growth and frequent flooding. 与此同时,H-GAC将获得1美元.1 million to create a Resilience Improvement Plan for transportation systems across the eight-county region that are prone to severe weather, 自然灾害和洪水.  

“美国的每个社区都知道气候变化和极端天气的影响, including increasingly frequent heavy rain and flooding events across the country and sea-level rise that is inundating infrastructure in coastal states,联邦公路管理局(Federal Highway Administration)的谢伦·巴特(Shailen Bhatt)在一份声明中说 声明. “This investment from the Biden-Harris Administration will ensure our infrastructure is built to withstand more frequent and unpredictable extreme weather, which is vitally important for people and businesses that rely on roads and bridges being open to keep our economy moving.”  

自2015年以来,这座城市经历了六次联邦宣布的洪水灾害, 这些项目对休斯顿的繁荣至关重要. 进一步推进保护等公共政策, 大休斯顿伙伴关系最近访问了华盛顿, D.C., to advocate for the use of funds from the new Community Development Block Grant Mitigation (CDBG-MIT) program, 这将为休斯顿地区的洪水缓解项目提供数十亿美元的资金. 

另外, 与联邦, 州和地方民选官员, 伙伴关系一直在积极推动 海岸屏障工程又名艾克堤,向前. 这个重要的基础设施项目, 即将得到国会的批准, will help mitigate crippling flooding from catastrophic storm surges and save tens of billions of dollars in disaster recovery funding by protecting vulnerable communities. 该屏障还将保护休斯顿航道, 是哪个经济引擎为国家提供动力.  

了解更多有关 伙伴关系的公共政策努力.  




在提前投票前的几周, the Greater Houston Partnership will share essential information on the 2023 ballot initiatives that will impact our region. 本周, Hga010皇冠软件下载关注州8号和10号提案, which would allow Texas to expand its broadband infrastructure and become more 有竞争力的 in attracting the medical and biomedical manufacturing industries. Hga010皇冠软件下载还将深入研究哈里斯县的债券提案, 哪一项措施将提升和加强医院区的设施.  提案8:弥合德克萨斯州的数字鸿沟 公平获得可靠的服务, 高速宽带为所有德州人提供了经济机会, 对宽带扩展的投资使当地社区能够蓬勃发展. 然而,你.S. 人口普查局(Census Bureau)的数据显示,这一数字接近2.800万德州家庭和700万人没有宽带接入. 弥合这一数字鸿沟, 提案8创建了宪法专用的宽带基础设施基金(BIF). BIF将协助互联互通项目融资,并投资1美元.50亿美元用于扩大全州的宽带基础设施, 使德克萨斯州能够成功地从联邦宽带权益中提取资金, 访问, & Deployment (BEAD) Program. 如果被选民批准, 8号提案将确保Hga010皇冠软件下载的社区保持联系, 有竞争力的, 面对明天可能带来的任何挑战和机遇,都能适应自如. 提案10:提高德州医疗制造业竞争力 德州正努力成为生命科学的中心, our state needs to become a more attractive place for companies in the medical and biomedical industry to relocate.  By the numbers: Texas has one of the highest effective tax rates for the medical and biomedical manufacturing sector, 对这些企业征税超过28%. 相比之下,德克萨斯州最大的竞争对手对同一行业征收的税收都没有超过13%.5%.  Proposition 10 is a constitutional amendment to exempt medical and biomedical manufacturers from the state’s inventory and equipment taxes, 因此降低了这些制造商的有效税率. 如果选民通过第10号提案, Texas would be more attractive for existing medical and biomedical manufacturers to expand while also drawing new innovators to Texas from around the country and around the world.  哈里斯县提案A:离紧急扩张又近了一步 哈里斯医疗系统, Hga010皇冠软件下载县的医院区, 为哈里斯县的居民提供了近60年的护理和服务. Acting as the county’s safety net care system and operating one of our two Level I Trauma Centers, 该系统是Hga010皇冠软件下载医疗保健生态系统的一个组成部分.  By the numbers: Harris County's population has more than doubled in the past 30 years to nearly five million residents, 而哈里斯医疗中心运营的医疗设施的容量也在下降, 许多人已经接近生命的尽头. This drastic increase in population over the decades has necessitated the need for an additional Level I Trauma Center, especially one located outside of the Texas Medical Center that is more easily accessible to all residents.  哈里斯县提案A寻求选民批准$2.50亿美元的债券,用于新建一级创伤中心, 新医院, 以及哈里斯医疗系统设施的其他升级和投资.  重要选举资料:  View the Greater Houston Partnership’s Ballot 2023 Initiative Guide before you head to the polls.  重要选举资料:  投票登记截止日期:10月11日. 10 提前投票:10月. 11月23日. 3 大选日期:11月11日. 7 你可以在这里找到更多关于投票和投票地点的信息. Find more information on each of these ballot measures supported by the Greater Houston Partnership at Houston.org/2023ballot.


在提前投票前的几周, the Greater Houston Partnership will share essential information on key ballot initiatives impacting our region. 本周, Hga010皇冠软件下载关注状态命题5和6, which would allow Texas to invest in its higher education system and 改善日益恶化的水利基础设施. 2023年的投票 11月7日, 德克萨斯州将举行全州大选, 允许选民决定该州宪法的14项内容. 因为休斯顿将是德克萨斯州唯一一个举行地方选举的主要城市, 休斯顿选民将不成比例地影响全州的选举结果. 在这次大选中, 德州可以投资高等教育系统, 改善日益恶化的水利基础设施, 扩大公平的宽带接入, 鼓励生物医药制造业和创造就业机会. 除了, 哈里斯县可以获得急需的资金,以加强和扩大哈里斯卫生系统. 提案5:用3美元资助德州大学.4 b基金 A strong college-educated talent pipeline is becoming increasingly important to attract the companies and investments that can power economies for decades. There are just two national top 50 public universities in Texas: 美国niversity of Texas at Austin (ranked 9th) and Texas A&M(排名第20位). 因此, 在全美排名前50的公立大学中,德克萨斯州的学生人数排名第23位.  With the goal of elevating other Texas universities to top-50 status and improving Texas’ 有竞争力的ness, 2023年立法机关通过了众议院第1595号法案和众议院联合决议3号, 将建立德克萨斯大学基金(TUF). TUF是一个永久性的3美元.4 billion research endowment that will appropriate up to $100 million dollars annually to four Texas public universities, 包括休斯顿大学.  Why it matters: This historic investment will strengthen Texas’ higher education institutions by providing the necessary funding to improve Texas universities’ national rankings, 这将有助于国家吸引顶尖人才,减少“人才流失”.“另外, 它将允许德州的学校竞争联邦研究经费, 确保私人研究经费, 增加校友支持, 并将德克萨斯州定位为一流高等教育的首选目的地.   接下来会发生什么:建立该基金取决于选民是否通过第5号提案. The Partnership urges support for the constitutional amendment creating the Texas University Fund, which will expand educational opportunities for all Texas students and strengthen the state’s economy. 提案6:朝着解决迫在眉睫的水资源挑战迈出的积极一步 根据最新的国家水资源规划, 从2020年到2070年,德克萨斯州的人口预计将增长73%, 而用水需求预计将增长9%. 与此同时,现有的供水预计将下降18%左右. 结果将是危机级别的缺水.到2070年将达到每年900万英亩英尺. 为了满足这一需求, 德克萨斯州立法机关通过了一项宪法修正案,建立了新的供水基金, 德州水基金, and the Statewide Water Public Awareness Account and put dollars toward crumbling water infrastructure across the state. The measure will help address future shortfalls by enabling the state to take on new water infrastructure projects, 从而增加居民获得水的机会.   接下来会发生什么:建立这些基金和资金取决于选民是否通过第6号提案. The Partnership urges support for the constitutional amendment creating 德州水基金 to assist in financing water projects in Texas. 重要选举资料: 提前投票:10月. 11月23日. 3 大选日期:11月11日. 7 查看更多有关投票和投票地点的信息. Find more information on each of these ballot measures supported by the Greater Houston Partnership at Houston.org/2023ballot.




《Hga010皇冠软件下载》系列以有影响力的领导人为主角, 民选官员和政府关系专家在Hga010皇冠软件下载州制定政策, 地方和联邦两级. Hga010皇冠软件下载的下一期节目将介绍……
