
Enhancing Supply Chain Diversity: A Perspective from D.C.

2023年12月1日由Clint Pasche出版


大休斯顿伙伴关系的“一个休斯顿在一起”倡议的核心重点是增加对休斯顿地区少数族裔商业企业(MBE)的支出. 这项工作通过每季度一次的供应商多样性圆桌会议以及每两年一次的伙伴关系成员首席采购官(CPOs)会议来推进.

的 2022年休斯敦MBE经济影响分析 reveals there are 771 certified MBEs generating $8.2 billion in revenue across 18 industry sectors in metro Houston. 这些跨国企业中有许多已经与全球企业建立了关系,收入超过1000万美元. 休斯顿的企业有一个很好的机会来利用Hga010皇冠软件下载地区多样化的供应商基础,并确保未来有一个强大的、有竞争力的供应商渠道.

During the November 2023 convening of Houston CPOs, 该伙伴关系邀请了两位演讲嘉宾,从他们在华盛顿特区的有利位置提供他们对供应商多样性的看法.C.:

  • 卡门·韦斯特,美国农业部副总裁.S. Chamber of Commerce's Equality of Opportunity Initiative
  • 奈杰尔·斯蒂芬斯,凤凰战略公司负责人

Amidst the evolving political climate related to diversity, 股本, and inclusion programs in both the public and private sector, 卡门和奈杰尔提供了周到的建议,帮助公司在做出采购决定时找到最好的供应商. 


  1. Lead with the Business Case for Supplier Diversity: CPOs and leaders should lead discussions about supplier diversity with a strong business case. This includes highlighting key benefits such as supply chain resilience, 招聘和保留, 获得新的市场和客户, 以及供应商多样性所带来的创新. 记录和衡量供应商多样性对企业和社区的经济影响是很重要的.
  2. Strengthen Commitment to Supplier Diversity throughout the Organization首席采购官和首席多样性官应强调在其组织内承诺供应商多样性的重要性. Supplier diversity is not the responsibility of just one department, 或者一个人的工作, 而, it should be embedded into the core values and culture of the company. 这一承诺应反映在正式采购过程中,并被视为全面皇冠HGA010官方下载战略的一部分.
  3. 加强协作和互联互通在供应商多样性生态系统中,需要加强合作和联系. 公司, 小企业管理局和HMSDC等商业支持组织和商会应该共同努力,共享信息, 资源, 以及不同供应商的数据. This can help overcome the challenge of identifying and accessing diverse businesses, especially those in underrepresented communities or industries. 的 Greater Houston Partnership’s 一起的休斯顿 Supplier Diversity Roundtable, CPO Convenings and the new MBE Accelerator Program are exemplars of this advice. 
  4. Improve Understanding of the Capabilities of MBEs: 的 mindset and perception about diverse entrepreneurs and their capabilities need to change. 应该致力于学习和理解这些企业的能力,以及它们如何为供应链做出贡献. This may involve corporate purchasing executives attending customized learning modules, 培训, 以及应对最新趋势的教育, 创新, shifting racial demographics and market demands that put today’s leading MBEs in the spotlight.
  5. 利用现有的网络和数据: 的re is a need to leverage existing networks and data to support supplier diversity. 像美国商会这样的组织, 少数族裔商业发展局, 休斯顿少数族裔供应商发展委员会, and Small Business Administration already have lists and databases of diverse businesses. Utilizing and connecting these 资源 can help identify and engage diverse suppliers. 卡门分享了美国.S. 商会正在制定一项新的数字计划,以极大地改善这一信息共享网络,并在2024年推出更多信息共享网络.

一般来说, 作为一个致力于供应商多样性的生态系统, CPOs can lead these efforts by  emphasizing the importance of streamlining the MBE认证流程. 的 certification process for minority-owned businesses has become burdensome and costly. 目前由不同组织提供的多重认证体系可以简化和精简,以减少障碍,增加获得机会的机会. 公司应该牢记这种复杂性,并在他们需要的认证上灵活一些. 

For those interested in the Partnership’s Supplier Diversity programming and initiatives, 联系达曼·汤森, 高级主管, 供应商多样性 dtownsend@tjxxsls.com



Partnership Launches Best Place for Working Parents Assessment

的 Greater Houston Partnership has launched the Best Place for Working Parents®, 在线自我评估,使当地商业领袖能够确定他们的组织是否有资格获得该称号. 起源于2020年的沃斯堡, 保密的在线商业自我评估允许各种规模的企业宣传创新做法,这些做法正在帮助当今的在职父母养家糊口, and adapt and thrive at work during extraordinary times. 该评估突出了10项研究支持的政策,这些政策已被证明有利于在职父母和企业的底线. 该评估还提供了一个实时的仪表盘,显示一家企业在其所在地区的十大家庭友好型企业中,与其他规模和行业的企业相比,表现如何. While family-friendly policies have a direct impact on working parents, research shows that there is also a serious business case for being family-friendly: 83% of millennials would leave one job for another with stronger family-friendly support. Replacing an employee costs an employer six to nine months of that employee’s salary. Over 60% of working parents said child care issues have caused them to miss work. Employers lose $13 billion annually due to child care challenges faced by their workforce.    作为休斯顿地区的领导组织, 该伙伴关系鼓励企业参与评估,并更多地了解其政策的有效性. 这项自我评估为各种规模的企业提供了实时的名单,这些企业的家庭友好政策首次获得了资格, 3分钟在线自我评估. 符合条件的企业的最佳工作场所®指定可以在商业访问.bestplace4workingparents.com. View these additional 资源 to learn more about the assessment and why it's important.  案例研究 家庭友好行动计划 参与的工作场所 Gaining a Competitive Edge through Family-Friendly Policies 2023年国家趋势报告 “重返工作岗位”研究报告 2024年全国峰会

MBE Spotlight: Mid-America Contractors and Gilbreath Communications

大休斯顿伙伴关系的“一个休斯顿在一起”倡议的核心重点是提高休斯顿地区供应商的多样性. 这项工作通过季度供应商多样性圆桌会议以及两年一次的伙伴关系成员首席采购官会议来推进.  消除少数民族企业(MBEs)和企业购买者之间障碍的关键途径是扩大MBEs的工作和形象,增加买家和这些公司之间的介绍和网络. Beginning this month at each Supplier Diversity Roundtable, the Partnership will showcase two Houston-region businesses, 允许他们向合伙人成员展示. 在2023年11月的圆桌会议上,中美承包商和Gilbreath通信公司是备受关注的两家公司. Mid-America Contractors (MAC), Elizabeth Cravens, Owner & CEO Mid-America Contractors (MAC)是一家女性所有的工业服务提供商,为德克萨斯州东南部和美国的中游和下游皇冠HGA010官方下载提供服务.S. 墨西哥湾沿岸. Founded in 2004 by Elizabeth Cravens with a yearly revenue of $10-20 million, the company’s extensive service offerings include build design, 屋面, 公民服务, 机械服务, 管道, 维护/家居, 和更多的. 的 company is also venturing into the storage tank industry. MAC在德克萨斯州运营, 路易斯安那州, 密西西比州, 田纳西州, 密苏里州, 佛罗里达, and Utah and works with major clients including Motiva, 瓦莱罗皇冠HGA010官方下载, 壳牌, 墨西哥石油公司, 为道达尔和埃克森美孚提供具有成本效益的服务, 及时的解决方案. 重要的是, 安全不仅仅是优先考虑的问题, 这是一个核心价值, and the firm has a leading safety record in Southeast Texas.  的 company believes in the power of relationships with their company, 通过MAC的社会责任战略,Craven非常自豪地了解了她的客户以及他们的社区.  查看公司的介绍. Gilbreath Communications, 奥黛丽Gilbreath, President & CEO Gilbreath通讯公司. is an award-winning full-service integrated marketing communications firm located in Houston.  该公司的创始人和同名人士, 奥黛丽Gilbreath, 是第一位进入美国广告联合会西南广告名人堂的非裔美国人和女性.  With 34 years of experience interacting with general and multicultural markets, the company designs marketing and communications solutions that help launch and transform brands, grow businesses and engage audiences throughout Houston, 德克萨斯州和美国. 从简单到复杂, Gilbreath Communications团队拥有丰富的知识和专业知识,可以为创意服务和传播的开发和执行提供支持, 公共关系, and digital and social media programs; and, on a project-by-project basis for other support service areas, including strategic communications planning and event marketing. 客户包括HEB, Metro, NFL, NRG和壳牌. 本公司为客户提供对当地竞争格局和目标市场的宝贵知识和理解, 区域, 而在全国范围内, with an intentional sensitivity and respect for diverse the markets the company serves. 查看公司的介绍.   Learn more about the Partnership's 一起的休斯顿 initiative.




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